Sunday, December 1, 2013

I Spy With My Little Eyes Something Red...

Well this time of year it could take all day to figure out what it could be and it did take the kids pretty much all day. So I'm just going to get right to it...

Welcome back Elfs!!! Not sure if you remember this post and this post from last Christmas. Elfs came back from the North Pole sometime after we all went to bed Thanksgiving night.

I think Elfs liked our new tree...its not as big or tall as our old tree. So much easier to put together, just three pieces and then fluff the branches. Our tree before, while I loved the height, I wasn't a fan of the width. It was a HUGE tree and each branch had to be placed on the base separately...oh and it wasn't pre-lit so we had to string the lights. It literally would take Kevin and me half the day to put the tree up. But then again, I was a bit crazy when it came to the tree being perfect and the lights being placed just right. But I digress...

Elfs became our tree topper. Our old one won't work on the tree. Kevin said it's too heavy. 

I had to give the kids a hint as far as what they could be looking for and I may have waved in the general vicinity of the tree.

"Elfs, Elfs!!!!" I didn't read the book to the kids this year, but I did tell them that Elfs wants to make sure they listen to Mommy and Daddy, no hitting/kicking/pushing, no saying bad words (poopie head is being said quite a bit lately...Parker learned it from school and Avery adores her Bubba and mimics everything he says and does), and no whining or tantrums. I also told them that Elfs can see them even when they aren't in the same room as Elfs or even when they are at school and that each night after they go to sleep, Elfs goes back to the North Pole to tell Santa whether they've been good or not. Parker I think understands the concept more this year than last year b/c once I was done explaining, he told Avery "you have to be good or Santa won't give you presents". 

Elfs LOVED the new tree so much that he decided to stay in the same exact spot for 2 days! But tonight he came back from the North Pole fairly quickly and decided to find a new spot. He overheard Parker ask me for a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast so he decided to make the sandwiches himself and made a little bit of a mess! Kevin may have rolled his eyes a bit and asked why Elfs can't do something simple. I rolled my eyes back b/c I'm sure Elfs will throw in more than a few simple things during his visit with us. I can't wait for Parker to see Elfs and the mischief he's gotten into. 

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