She is one hot mess...and very demanding...
7:15 Bath for both kids (Kevin did this by himself)
7:25 Get kids dressed in pajamas (I helped)
This is all me now:
7:32 Get kids tucked into bed
7:47 I climb into bed wearing longs sleeves, sweatshirt, flannel pj bottoms, and using 2 blankets
8:23 Avery wakes up screaming
8:30 I go into Avery's room, wipe her tears, and cuddle her on her recliner
8:35 I climb back into bed
8:36 Parker walks out of his room and into mine to tell me he has to poop
8:37 Parker is done and needs his bum wiped; he tucks himself back into bed b/c I have no energy
8:38 I climb back into bed
8:57 Avery wakes up screaming
9:03 I go into Avery's room, wipe her tears, and cuddle her on her recliner
9:08 I take some meds, make myself a cup of ginger tea with honey...and grab a couple (ok 4) Samoas
9:22 I spill hot tea all over myself b/c Avery wakes up screaming and scared the beejeesus out of me
9:25 I go into Avery's room, give her some Motrin, wipe her tears, and cuddle her on her recliner
9:45 Mommy is writing on her blog and hoping and praying that all goes well the rest of the night...
Ok, g'nite all! Please pray the kids sleep well so that I can get some sleep too!

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